Generosity changes the lives of the giver and the recipient.

Thank you for your generosity to Silver Creek Church. We could not do what God has called us to do without your faithfulness in giving. Whether you have set up recurring gifts online or you like to give in-person, your giving makes a huge impact on lives in this church and in the community.

Beyond supporting the ministry of this church, your giving helps people and organizations both locally and globally. As God grows this church and your generosity increases, our church is committed to increase the percentage of giving to local and global ministries who share a similar vision with Silver Creek.

One of our values here at Silver Creek Church is to Choose Integrity. Part of choosing integrity is to communicate openly with our member’s about how we are stewarding the finances that God has provided. Therefore, we provide financial updates at our Member’s Meetings, which happen twice per year, and in our annual staff report that goes out at the end of every calendar year. Our elders are available for any questions at

Rather give cash or by check?

While we prefer and suggest you use our online giving portal, gifts by check or cash can be mailed to 252 N Chillicothe Road, Aurora, OH 44202. Please make checks payable to Silver Creek Church.

Have questions about giving? We’re happy to help. Email Rick for more information.